
We have just finished filming the performance parts of the music video for Amethyst with Room.C Photography. The footage turned out great, and we have a feeling that it could be our best one yet. We are really excited to edit it! Special...
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Thank you for your votes! Last month, we asked you to vote for us in the Best Musical Act category for NEO Awards 2018, sponsored by SEGA. The results came in a few days ago, and we are thrilled to announce...
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Despite sadly losing our bass player earlier this week, we are still going ahead with the release of our new single, 'Amethyst' on 22 February. At the moment, with six days left, we are fully funded, which is nothing less...
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WE DID IT! On Friday morning, we hit our 100% goal. We couldn't be more grateful for your support. We can now definitely release our new single, Amethyst, on February 22, 2019—all thanks to your amazing support! Whether it was...
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WOW! Thank you dear supporters and fans of Esprit D'Air. We are now 87% funded in just 48 hours with 43 wonderful individuals backing us. Your dedication and generosity does not go unnoticed, and we can't wait to send out your rewards! Our new...
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